Wednesday, January 13, 2010


In four weeks, my baby will be turning 6. I laid in bed this morning with him pulling my hair in his sleep (he had a nightmare last night and climbed into my bed to go back to sleep) wondering how this happened. Where did 6 years go? When he was born, I never thought that he might be my last baby; I always wanted at least 4 children. Then I got divorced and everything was crazy and upside down ... and then he was no longer a baby. I wish I savored those moments more, just in case. Those moments of baby-ness - watching him sleep, his little fists curled up next to his face; those first baby smiles; the baby gazes into my eyes. If I am lucky enough to have another baby some day, I hope that I remember to enjoy all those moments, rather than let the craziness of life take over and get in the way. Babyhood is such a special time and it is over so quickly. In the blink of an eye, he is turning 6.



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