Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I love a good challenge

I think my favorite customs to complete are those where I read the specifications and think ... hmmmm ... how the heck am I supposed to do that? I love a good challenge. I also like to win, but that's a whole other story ;)

Last year, one of my challenges was a DreamScape where the front was to be LWI dyed and the back needed to be a solid color.

Apparently, after doing that, I promptly forgot about it until a few weeks ago when I had to do a custom DreamScape where the back and front were both LWI style, in similar colors, but not exact (pink/purple/blue on front, blur/purple on back). Again, I promptly forgot about it until last week and the week when I got a custom order for a BedBug where the front was LWI dyed in one set of colors and the back was LWI dyed in a totally different set of colors. I love the way it turned out and will NOT be promptly forgetting abotu this challenge. Look for more double LWI dyed diapers in the near future!

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